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    I started to see Dr. Lisa Orwick in February of 2001. Having recently moved to Tucson I had been looking for a chiropractor and on the advice of a friend I decided to make an appointment with Dr. Orwick. I had just moved from an apartment into my own home and was having difficulty walking. In fact, I was using a cane and really struggling to get around. I was in a lot of pain and not able to do very much. Even the simplest everyday things were difficult at best.  After frequent visits and adjustments I was back to full activity and without pain. I continued going to see her at least twice a month and depending on how I felt, sometimes four times. 
    In October of 2003, I severed my left foot from my leg. I broke every bone in my ankle but did not have any bleeding. The orthopedic surgeon was not able to give me any idea about how it would heal or whether I would ever really be able to walk. He said he had never seen anything like it. He put two rods with 2 screws on the inside of my leg and a plate with 8 screws on the outside. I was in a wheel chair and using a walker for about 8 months. After that I was using a cane for balance and security. 
    Almost 5 years later, I am walking without any aid, have NO PAIN, and no problems with my foot/ankle. I have total movement and feeling in my foot and ankle. I also have no ugly scars from the surgery. The incisions healed with no scar tissue so the scars are hardly visible to the naked eye which I attribute to the use of the Laser. 
    In March of 2008, I fell and broke my right elbow and bruised my hands and knees. Dr. Orwick suggested we use the Laser, ultrasound and hand massages to help with the healing. Within three weeks there was significant healing of the elbow and almost no pain. The bruised hands were more painful than the break but even they began to feel better sooner than anyone expected. 
    I attribute the majority of the healing in both instances to Lisa and her skill as a chiropractor as well as a healer. She has been a tremendous support physically and emotionally and thanks to her constant quest for new ways to promote healing, my ankle and arm are totally HEALED. I have genetic problems with my back/spine that should be causing me considerable discomfort but with adjustments, natural supplements and laser treatments, I have no pain and am feeling better than I have in 10 years. Someone like Dr. Orwick, who is totally committed to helping people feel better and live longer, more productive lives is truly a blessing.

-Nancy Prentiss, Oro Valley




I have diabetes, asthma, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, insomnia and sleep apnea. I have been taking 17 medications to control all of that for the past 15 years. All of those medications for all those years were destroying my liver, and who knows what else. I saw Dr. Orwick for nutritional counseling in the hopes of getting off some of the medications and repairing the damage they have done. I did this with the full support of my primary doctor. My blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar are now all at normal levels. I no longer take medications for those things. Now, I’m on four medications from the original 17. My primary doctor is so pleased that she asked for more information. She is now planning to refer other patients of hers to Dr. Orwick.

-Advina, Tucson


I came to Dr. Orwick with excruciating pain running down my arm and leg and numbness in my fingers. I couldn't find any relief sitting, standing or lying down. I couldn't sleep. Dr. Orwick was very concerned and put a plan of treatment immediately into effect. The plan included fresh x-rays, daily traction, massage, laser therapy, adjustment, natural anti-inflammatories and diet, and electrical stimulation. My alternative was possible surgery. Eight weeks later the pain had vanished from my arm, 95 % of numbness left my fingers, i was sleeping pain free. The once hot, stabbing pain in my leg was reduced to occasional prickly sensations. I continue with treatments but i am no longer considering surgery.


-MCL, Tucson



Finding Dr. Lisa Orwick has made a major difference in my health. For several months I had experienced lack of balance and intense pressure in my head. Eye-hand coordination was becoming less accurate too. Doctors had been unable to pinpoint a cause. On the advice of a friend, I consulted Dr. Orwick who recognized that the source of the problem was compacted areas in the spine. Through her chiropractic skills and immense knowledge of anatomy, physiology and nutrition she was able to take the pressure off nerves andrelieve my symptoms. I highly recommend her work!

-L. Failmezner, Tucson



    During a conversation with Dr. Lisa Orwick at a U of A Women’s Basketball game we were discussing the laser therapy she uses at her Natural Life Chiropractic Clinic. I asked if the laser would help my fibromyalgia. Dr. Orwick invited me to come by her office to discuss various options to help alleviate the chronic pain I had been experiencing for many years. 
    I had also developed an extremely high C Reactive Protein reading. C Reactive Protein is associated with inflammation and usually indicates a high risk of heart disease. I had been checked out for other indicators of heart disease, my cholesterol was in the safe range and I had no plaque in my arteries, so the high C Reactive Protein seemed to indicate there were other reasons for the inflammation. 
    I decided on the recommendation of Dr. Orwick to try the 28 day Metagenics Detoxification program and various other herbal supplements. After the 28 days, I was tested for food allergies, eliminated these foods from my diet, continued with the recommended herbal supplements and the Metagenics Ultra Clear Plus, Ultra Meal, Greens First, Ultra Flora Plus and adding Ultra InflamX to my “power shake”. 
    I recently had a blood test prescribed by my primary care doctor and the results were astounding. My cholesterol was even better than it had been andthe best news – my C Reactive Protein had gone down from a reading of 11.3 to .3. My primary care doctor wrote on the blood work report, “Keep doing what you’re doing. It’s working.” I’m still drinking my “power shake” and I probably always will. I’m also continuing my herbal supplements and am avoiding the foods which I am allergic too. I am on a structured exercise program, gaining strength and body tone. In 4 months I’ve lost 20 pounds, with another 10 to go to reach my goal. My fibromyalgia still kicks in once in awhile, but it is not debilitating as it once was. I am convinced if I continue on Dr. Orwick’s nutritional program, my general health and well being will continue to improve. Thank you Dr. Orwick.

-Jean Rogers, Vail


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