Why choose Natural Life Chiropractic for your care following a Motor Vehicle Collision?
We treat you as an individual with gentle compassion.
We use leading technology in the office (cold laser, physiotherapies, nutrition, individually designed chiropractic adjustments) and for use in the home (home traction units, microcurrent/TENS units) to help you to heal faster and have fewer residual effects.
Dr. Orwick understands the mechanisms of injury and will explain what structural damage can be done to the spine in MVC’s. (Please see Dr. Orwick's CE's/Seminars page for details on the many MVC related certifications she holds.)
We educate our patients. The more you understand about your injuries, the more you can actively participate in your recovery.
We are VERY thorough with our documentation to help you get compensation for your injuries. Natural Life Chiropractic works closely with several attorneys to provide evidence based, Colussus oriented, legible case files used by the attorneys to produce demand letters that maximize compensation.
We use the Gold Standard in Computerized Dual Inclinometers to record your progress at the initial visit, the middle of your treatment plan and at your release. We measure Range of Motion, Muscle Strength and Pain Threshold to get a more accurate picture of the extent of your injuries.
We keep track of YOUR observations of your progress with periodic questionnaires regarding your abilities and experiences.
A Word about Med-Pay vs. Third Party Cases
Med-Pay or Medical Payment is an option that you can carry on your own car insurance that will cover your medical expenses no matter who was at fault. (Ask your insurance agent if you have this coverage, if not, you should consider it. It doesn’t add very much to your insurance premium, and it can come in handy, especially with the increased numbers of uninsured motorists out there.) Med-Pay is of course the easiest way to assure that your treatment is covered in a timely manner. With Med-Pay, EVEN IF YOU WERE NOT AT FAULT, you can use your insurance to cover your treatment. Your premium CANNOT be increased for using your Med Pay if the collision was not your fault. (If you were at fault, your premium still cannot be raised if you have not had 2 tickets or 2 MVC's within 2 years.)
Note: We will accept a lien under certain circumstances. Please call to discuss the specifics of your case.
Cases in which another party is at fault are called Third Party. These cases may require the assistance of an attorney. The cases that are resolved the fastest with the least amount of legal hassle are cases in which the other party was clearly at fault and there is clear documentation supporting that fact. For example, the police were summoned, a police report has been filed and the other party was issued a ticket. We have made it a point to network with Attorneys that are easy to work with and have the best interest of the patient in mind at all times.
Note: We will accept a lien under certain circumstances.
Educational Material
"Whiplash" – Emmy-nominated Film by SRISD with clear visuals giving you a deeper understanding of your injuries and the long term implications.
"Man vs. Machine" – DVD from the CRASH 2006 Whiplash Conference and Live Crash Test Study. Human volunteer CRASH tests show 24 real collisions in real time and in slow motion. Subjects were monitored by accelerometers and filmed to show how a low speed impact can create up to 10 G’s of force to your neck (ligaments, discs, muscles, nerves, etc.) - and it all happens in half a second.
Educational Posters
Most Injuries Don’t Show on X-ray
Statistics and Risk Factors
Mechanics of Whiplash Injuries
Facts About Whiplash Injuries
Anatomy of Whiplash Injuries
Symptoms in Whiplash Injuries
Prognosis of Whiplash Injuries
Why Chiropractic Treatment?
Whiplash - A Patient’s Guide to Recovery (SRISD)
The How’s and Why’s of Whiplash Injury
Why Symptoms are Sometimes Delayed
What to Expect from Chiropractic Treatment
Self Help including Activities of Daily Living
Preventing Future Injuries.